Dear Diary,

Ok, I am so rich now but, also in deep danger. If the police find that I have killed my own husband. I think I will go to Africa, because they don't have a lot of security cameras. That way they wouldn't know it was me. I could just act natural but then they could look in the security cameras I have in all the rooms. Wait a minute, I can just break the one in the living room and then I could get one for free from the police, because then they wouldn't know I had killed him. I think that is a good plan.

I will do that, but first it is time to dress up as a murderer in black, were the cameras will not see me. But if the cameras see me as a murderer then what are they, going to think, I was.

I know! I could open the windows and then, clutch on to my human sized teddy bear and use that as me. Uh oh, there is some at the door I have got to go.

Mission impossible : No.1

London England.

Time to hide.