The Secret Garden

Once, when I was in Kew Gardens, my family found a secret garden full of beautiful, colourful flowers. It had long grass, a few trees and dark green bushes with some lovely butterflies and birds.We found a little, light blue hut with some chairs and a few books to read. I wish I could make it my home. Outside the hut was a short, wooden bridge with a little pond. There were some lily pads and there were some frogs as well. It had bluebells, lavender, daisies, red roses and even more. There was a forest with oak trees, evergreen trees and a lot more. I wish I had my own secret garden with lovely, beautiful flowers and a lake with some swans and baby deer and sheep. I can't explain how wonderful it would be if I had my own secret garden. If I could, I would go in it every day and keep the key well hidden, so that it would be definitely safe. I wish that my garden turned into a secret garden when I was sleeping one night, and then in the morning, I would wake up to see a delightful garden. It would be how I described it, with the addition of a swing, which I could go on whenever I went into my secret garden.