Logo: Week 3


To use repeats within repeats

To create procedures to draw rectangular polygons.

To use defined shapes within a repeat command to draw Celtic Art/Repeating patterns.

Repeat 6 [fd 100 rt 60]

What regular polygon will this repeat draw?

Nested Repeats:

A nested repeat is where you use one repeat inside another.

E.g: repeat 6[repeat 6[ fd 100 rt 60] rt ??]

What will the ?? need to be to make a pleasing pattern?

The maths works!

Experiment with changing the variables to see what patterns you can make.

A variable is anything you can alter.. angle, number of repeats, length of side.

Defining a procedure:

To square

repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]


Once defined, you can use the procedure in a repeat.

Repeat 4 [square rt 90]

What will this draw?