As a part of Science Week, 13 AG&T children for science (Able Gifted and Talented) came back to school at 7o'clock on Friday the 28th of May to have a science, stargazing sleepover until 8o'clock the following morning. When everybody had arrived we put our bags in the allocated classrooms: the five girls in 6E (all from year 6), and the eight boys (three from year5) in 6H. We then gathered in the hall to hear our timetable for the night- and then we went into the ICT room and researched star constellations that we would be able to see that night. After that, we went to research an astronaut named Greg C- his life was so interesting! Whilst we researched him, we had to think of question we'd like to ask him and print them off so that, when we were back in the Kenny Hall, we could take a video and send it to him via email so that he could send us one back with his answers. We haven't had a reply yet, but when we do, I'll happily post them on the blog! Then the teachers allowed us to share the snacks that we had brought- the girls had Pringles, Maoam Stips, Maoam Pinballs, Heroes, Malteasers, crisps and chocolate galore! The boys brought apples. As it was 9o'clock and getting dark, we headed outside to stargaze. We saw some planets including Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and we worked out the location of Mercury, using the 6 telescopes that either belonged to the school or some of the year 6 pupils who attended. As it was nearing 11o'clock, we went back into the hall to watch Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, in our sleeping bags, eating the rest of our delicious snacks. That night, we only managed to watch half of the film because it was already midnight. Therefore we had to go to sleep in the classrooms. We were all so tired- most of us slept except for myself, Awesome and the Miss E Wettasinghe. Miss E Wettasinghe kept us awake! : ( In the morning, we ate our breakfast of cereal and croissants whist watching the rest of Star Wars until our parents came to pick us up.

I would like to thank Miss Loughlin, Miss Healey, Mr Willis and Mrs Lally.