

Profit is when you make more money than what you spent. A loss is when you spend more money than what you make.After our first trading session we looked around to see if any groups had made a profit. Most groups did.

I'm the banker in our society and my ledgers are getting full so quickly with everyone coming to me to sort out their import tax! People also come to me to exchange their money for other notes E.G.10=5+5 20=10+5+1+1+1+1+1. My original company are doing well with their ledgers and receipts .

In class we looked at supply and demand. To really see what it was about the Government were given a supply of yellow paper which we all In class we looked at supply and demand. have to by. Unfortunately the wasn't enough paper to go round all of the businesses so after a while the groups that didn't already have the yellow paper found that the Government had ran out of it all!