Microsociety Week 9

In microsociety this week , we talked about how taxes would be collected, some people said that if you have a lot of peakzos you should pay more tax , some people said if you are bankrupt or don't have a lot of money then you have to pay less tax but I thought that wasn't a good idea because it would be your fault if you get bankrupt or poor. Also everyone could be poor just so they could pay less tax and how will the tax manager be sure you don't have much money, if the tax manager counts your money it would take too long to count everyone who said that they were too poor to pay the tax. I thought that everyone should pay the same amount of tax otherwise it would be more confusing and everyone would get muddled up if they didn't pay the same amount of tax as everyone else.

In the next part of the 'notenuf' story, everyone voted for a new goverment so there is a diferent one. Council tax is when you pay for the system you use in your homes or flat or wherever you live . e.g. You pay for the electricity that you use and when you turn the tap on you pay for doing that too, and when you pay for the people who put your rubbish from the bin into the huge lorry.Corporation tax is when your company pays tax from your profit.

Obviosly we did some trading and that went well, also this week, I have spent not too much money. I don't think any at all(wich is surprising!And is also very, very good.)