School Closure Home Learning Year Group: 5

These are my suggestions for home learning (excluding the Easter holidays).

 I will be reviewing this after Easter and any updates will be made on the Year 5 Class Blog.

If you have any questions or need to contact me, you can via

The children have got their log ins for mymaths and J2e in their diaries.

If the children blog any work, they should blog to Pupil blog year 5.


If you log onto and create a new account using the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS you will be able to access a year 5 school closure pack with a wealth of activities which will support the children’s learning in Maths and English.


Write out the Year 3&4 and year 5&6 word lists or play spell blast (the practice or go live) on J2e.

Find new words and record what they mean (on J2e or in your yellow homework book).


We would like the children to look at each day. There will be a new picture uploaded daily and we would like the children to select one of the learning activities to complete e.g writing a story using the story starter, answer the comprehension questions or complete the sentence challenges.


Please ensure that your child reads every day and that they continue to record this in their diaries. At school, we are working hard to develop the children’s fluency and comprehension.  If the children can become fluent and read words automatically, they can spend more time actively thinking about the text which will help with their comprehension. Encourage children to read aloud to develop fluency, to talk about what they have read, and to discuss new vocabulary. During school hours, the children can access an online library of books at They will need to sign in with their class code which is: qqu7665

The children have their CGP reading comprehension book. Please complete the following pages: 18-23

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

The children have their CGP Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation book. Please complete the following pages: 24-29 Make a Grammar revision guide in their yellow homework book or on J2e. The children

should use their CGP Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation book to help them. The children should define the terminology and provide examples and write example sentences

 e.g. prepositions -  they tell you where, when or why things happen.     Examples – after, above         

  After lunch, I went home.          Above the door, there is a sign.