What is bullying?

Bullying is where someone hurts or picks on you for no reason if you you are different or not. You can be sitting there minding your own business and then the bully comes up to you and start kicking you or calling you fat. Never believe what they say and just walk away.

Why do people bully?

Sometimes people bully because other people have bullied them in the past so they want to take their anger out on other people or the might do it because their parents have split up or keep on fighting. Also they might think it's funny to bully so they do it to others. You shouldn't do it because it is not funny and you shouldn't take your anger out on other people because you can get into trouble and if your parents keep fighting ask them to stop because your obviously upset.

How can you stop people bullying?

You can stop bullying by telling a trusted adult like a dinner superviser, a teacher, a mom and dad, a big sister and brother, a friend or a nan and grandad. You can also ask them to stop and they might.