This week in micro society, we discussed what was ment by 'profit and loss'.

Profit means you earn more than you spend to keep the bussiness going and paying your employes enough to keep them working for you.

Breaking even is when your bussiness does not make any profit or any loss. This means you will have to lower/raise your prices.

Loss is when your bussiness losses money. You will need to work even harder to get out of it.

You will have to lower/raise your prices.

We thought about our bussiness prices and looked at others to see if they are doing the same as us except cheaper. That means everyone will go to them instead of you. So you will have to lower your prices for everyone to go to you.

In Rigopolis, we watched a quick vidio of the genral election to show us what is happening in the real society. The result was a hung parlement which means no-one won.