Microsociety Week 3- Enterprise


This week in microsociety we were studying enterprise and what it is. We did many things, and even had a visitor come to visit us, our very own Mrs Cranfield! We even took a questionnaire.


Enterprise is identifying gaps in the market, assessing risks and getting people to buy your product/service. Basically, it is running a business/ starting a business, while keeping the cash flow steady.

After learning what enterprise is, we looked at civil jobs, such as police, head of state and banker. Civil jobs mean jobs paid for by the government, the government get the money from taxes. Me and my friend wanted to be policewomen but got disappointed when our teacher said that we wouldn't get paid for a couple of weeks if we were.

We then read the story of notenuf. In this chapter, the people begun trading things for food/services/tools. We discussed this and came to the conclusion that this was a good idea, as all families got what they needed.

Mrs Cranfield came to us to talk about her old job in human resources. We then had to match some CV's to some jobs, to find which canidate was most suitable for the jobs. It was very fun!

Finally, we chose our currency(Wacks) and took a quiz to see if we were most suited to work for someone or to start a business. I was most suited to work for someone but I'm pretty sure some people weren't entirely truthful.