Story starter


Winning the Gold medal... As she was at a stop a girl bolted past her, she was running as fast as she could. It was the last round she could NOT lose this it would break her heart. She had lost. It has been a month since she lost, ever since she has trained for at least 6 hours a day, it is getting closer and closer to her next race. As the race was getting closer she felt more and more confidant in her self. It is the day of the race she is really confidant 'BANG!' the gun shot all of the racers raced to get to the finish line bolting past each other trying to become 1st place. The girl was no giving up, the girl that won in the first race was next to her, they looked at each other and ran like lightning next to each other. The girl that won last race stopped panting and sweating, she was in the lead it was the final lap, she was closer and closer to the finish line as she went past the ribbon and had won!!! She was so relieved and happy the she had won!! The morol of the story is to not give up and keep trying and trying.