Welcome to the governors blog!

The aim of the governors blog is to publish our news and provide an opportunity to communicate. We would like to increase the visibility of the governors and tell you more about what we do. But perhaps most importantly we would like to encourage discussion and allow you to feedback to us too.

We will invite you to comment on topics and issues that the governors are working on, and we will provide summaries of the main points of the various governor committees that take place each term. Within several of the governor committees we discuss the upkeep and maintenance of the school and its grounds. The School has changed dramatically over the past few years, with some of the changes only this year being completed. We thought we’d take this opportunity to ask you about the new building, and the recent installation of more security on the gates.

So..... How do you like our new school building? What features do you particularly like? And what can we do to further improve the school building and grounds?