


Cyberbullying is something that shouldn't be happening in the world at all. Cyberbullying is just bullying online and it can happen on social media and online games. Here are some ideas on how to stay safe online.

Social media

  • Only use social media platforms that are safe and for your age.
  • Always talk to people like your friends or your family, otherwise hackers and strangers can lure and track you.
  • Create long (not too long so you don't remember it) and secure passwords so no one can find it out and find out personal details.
  • Apps like WhatsApp's age ratings are 16+ so if you are under than 16, make sure that your account is supervised by a parent or you can use your parents account.

Online games

  • Online games can be fun but there can be some really bad things like hackers and viruses.
  • Some people can message really bad things if there is a chat box and if they do, then inform an adult and, if you can, block them.
  • If they aren't talking to you, but they could be say targeting you or only getting you then tell and adult and stop playing the game.