Letter of an evacuee

Dear Mum,

I have just got aon the train at St Pancras. We are setting off, but it is very chilly and the train is freezing. Some girls are crying for their mother's. I'glad you put in a few shillings in my bag because there is a tuck shop on the train, which is full of sweets and chocolate. I know you dissaprove of sugar but I am so hungry.I've finally arrived at the station and grownups are hustling us off the train. I am hiding behind the grownup on my train because I don't want to be picked. After a few minutes, a pretty middle aged woman pointed at me, and then took hold of my arm gently and led me away.The house was a small lettle cottage with differant coloured flowers poking their heads out of little cups of earth. Inside, as I expected, everything was neat and tidy. It was very beautiful and she even had bacon! My new school is small and friendly and the teachers are also very nice. It has 3 small playgrounds and the seats are made of wood. My new friends are called Arthur, Freddie and James. The teachers only beat one boy a week at the most and that is if they've done something very naughty. I will have to say goodbye now because I can smell bacon for supper. Hope you are well . Charlie