Mary Anning

Mary Anning was born on the 21st May 1799, in Lyme Regis. She had 10 siblings but only herself and her brother Joseph made it to adulthood.As Mary lived by the sea,everyday her dad would ask her and Joseph to go down to beach to find fossils.When Mary grew up money was tight,so once they had collected the fossils they had to sell them for 1p.

When Mary was 12 her dad fell off a cliff and was also very ill,so now her and Joseph and no parents and money. Mary carried on finding fossils and sold them and got lots more money,so now money wasn't so tight.One day Mary was walking down the beach and found the first full fossil EVER of an Ichthyosaurus. By now Mary was rich and her fossils were put into The natural history museum in London.

Mary died on the 9th of March 1847.She died of a cancer but her fossils are still remembered today.