The year 6 trip to the Bridge Park Community Leisure Centre

On Friday 9th November 6M and 6S (6E and 6J went on Wednesday the 7th), went on a school trip to the Bridge Park Community Centre as part of PSHE. We travelled to the their on two buses: the 204 bus and the 18 bus. The wait for the first bus was extremely long but as we were a big group, we entertained ourselves.

At the community centre there were about nine or so workshops varying from risks of having cigarettes and alcohol to traveling safely on trains. My personal favourite workshops were about cigarettes and alcohol and not carrying knives.

The cigarette and alcohol workshop gave me all types of facts about the thousands of toxins and chemicals smokers inhale per cigarette and we also got to try out special glasses that made you see what it was like to be drunk. A familiar face to our school, P.C. Rowe, gave a presentation about knives and told us about consequences of carrying them.

Some other topics included: how to travel safely on buses and bikes, road safety, cyber bullying and eating healthily. The trip taught us our place in the community and how to be a responsible citizen. It was altogether a really fun and interesting trip!!!

By Omar S 6M