Profit and loss -

supply and demand


No money.

This week in microsociety,we discussed what is meant by profit and loss. Profit means to gain money -yay! And loss means to lose money -no! Helping us to understand this process furthermore, WE watched a clip. We thought about if our busineses were making a profit, or a loss, and we eventually settled on a ..... drumroll please ..... a profit! Although my working partners have not got much money,it is dedicated to the business, and I think it will be sucsessful and we will earn lots of money! Yippee!

We attempted to keep our sales sheet up to date and we had some time for trading too. Second-finally-I made that word up-we looked up the concept of supply and demand and we traded to work out if we were making a profit.

So,and you're, and ... ummm... oh, whatever!

Au revoir!