Mincraft D-Dog :)

Monsters number 2... Bosses.

There is two Minecraft bosses. The first one I'm going to talk about is the Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon can be found in the End to get to the end you need to make a end portal. It looks like this, copy the picture. You need 12 ender
12 eye of ender. Once you build it there will just be grass in the middle but jump through. Sometimes they will be a frame what is broken when it is spawned so you will need to replace it; it could be any of them! Next is the Wither!!! It can only be found on computer and it must be BUILD in the OverWorld. It looks like this. To build this you need a T- shape made of soul sand and on each top block a wither head. This is the end for now, next time building.