Circulatory System

The Circulatory system is the process of blood pumping around your body. Your blood caries nutrients,water,carbon dioxide, hormones and many more important substances. The circulatory system is an efficient way of getting what we need to where it's needed.

Elements of the circulatory system

- Arteries

- Veins

- Heart

- Capillaries

- Blood

How it works

As we learn from a young age, our hearts pup blood around our bodies. This what the circulatory system is all about. Every second of every day, your heart beats as it beats it pushes blood from the heart out to where it's needed. As it passes through it collects _______ and takes it to where it's needed such as the lungs. The blood doesn't have to put in much effort the substances sticks to it and if you're wondering how. Inside your blood are blood cells which is what it gets stuck to. After this it goes back to heart for another push. in fact our bodies are so clever it all happens in one heart beat(not metaphorical).

By the way for younger readers, our hearts are not actually shaped like this: but this: kinda gross, right.