Quintin Bonett P 6.2


I am proud of my school so I do my best to keep it clean.

I am proud of my school so I do my best to keep it clean by picking up any litter that people threw.I also take care of my own litter by throwing it into a bin,but first I make sure that it's the right bin.There are three bins in total that help our school and the whole world.There is the litter bin,the organic bin and the recycle bin.We need to make sure that we are throwing the right litter into the right bin.Any food related objects such as,moldy things,excess food and any other types of food need to go into the organic bin.Any paper which is left from a craft or anything else,even some plastics can be recycled so we throw them into the recycle bin.Any used tissues or non-recyclable plastic go into the litter bin.