Microsociety Scarcity

We started microsociety on Thursday. Our teacher read us a story about the planet of Just Enough. The planet started off with having just enough of everything .Then, one day, the food trees started to die because nobody was looking after the planet .When the people of the planet started to realise that there wasn't enough food, the captain began to worry that everyone would have to move to another planet. Outside, everyone was squabbling for what food each person should get . The more popular flavours like the strawberry trifle and barbecue ribs were already gone . The less popular flavours like the spinach and the rotten eggs food packets were still there but the captain knew that they would also be gone soon. Everyone had a different opinion for what to do. The rank professor said to give out the food packets depending on how high rank you are. The professor said to give out the food packets depending on how clever you are. The soldier said to have a battle and the winner would get the food packets. The story stopped there. The class had a small discussion and different people had different ideas about what to do.

Our next task was to design a flag to represent our community. Everyone designed a flag and as a table group we decided which flag was the best. The next day, we held a vote to decide which flag we should use as the flag for our society. That was only the first job. Next, we had to split up into table groups and be a group A,B,C,D,E, or F. We had a plastic wallet that had some things. We had to use those to made some squares that were 10cm by 10cm or circles that had a 10cm diameter. We had 20 minutes to create as many circles or squares as we could. However, some groups did not have a ruler or even some paper so this task was all about scarcity- not having enough of something that you need. That was all the microsociety we did for that week.