100 word challenge

The space explorers landed on the planet Argon. Argon was a swamp planet filled with...swamps. There were aliens and swamp monsters on this planet but the explorers didn't know that! They had been sent here to rescue a person who had been recently captured and lost on the marshes of Argon.Argon looked like it had been untouched for years with bacterial waters,grotesque charred stumps and disgruntled frogs. The space explorers discussed where they would go and if they were going to split up or not. They decided to split up in order to speed up the finding process. One went through the swamp and had to battle a swamp monster who was as ugly as you would think it would be. In the end, the space explorer won and he went on to save the lost person. The other space explorer met him near the ship so they all went back to earth where they became national heroes.