You may know these Social Media websites and they are a good way of interacting but they aren't as safe as you might think.

Here are some tips to help you on your way:

-Keep your password a secret and only tell people you trust but not your best friends.

-Only post things that aren't personal to you, anybody can see what you post.

-If there is a optiopn for a 'private account' use it so people you don't know can't 'follow' you.

-Never arrange to meet anyone you don't know.

-Tell an adult if you see anything uncomfterable with.

--Immiediatly close a web-page you sure not sure about.

Being Bullied

Being bullied is a serious

matter. Don't be afraid

to tell anyone about

cyber- bullying. Don't be

mean to them back beca-

use it will make the situ-

ation worse

Before you post something think how it might effect other people. If you don't have anything nice to comment about, don't comment at all.