The Great Fire of London. A great tragedy. Many people have mourned about this terrible time of great loss. But there is a lot to know about this great fire, many things that would probably be unknown to most of you. But don't fret because you have come to the right place to learn about the Fire...

The Great Fire of London started in 1666 when a fire broke out in a bakery. The baker left a fire in the bakery. The fire was left for to long so the fire broke out of the oven and into London, therefore, the Great Fire had started.

The fire started in Pudding Lane and as I stated before started in a bakery. It spread like wildfire... literally. But seriously the fire spread really fast. The reason for this was that back then houses were made of wood. That made the fire quicker and easier to spread.

Well those were the facts of the Great Fire of London.