FIFA 16 is a game on many platforms (PC, PlayStation, etc). You must be 3+ to play this game. I am going to talk about some of the best players. Lets start!

Now you know how to play lets get into the fun! I am writing this on the 26/02/2016 so TOTY (Team of the Year) has come out. Now obviously Messi got 99 and Ronaldo got 98 ( Messi I think is better). Messi got the highest rated card on FIFA 16 this year due to his 5th ballon dor' win in 2016.

Ronaldo is known for his rivalry with Messi. As well as his skills. He won the ballon dor' 3 times. When Real Madrid and FC Barcelona battle it is called el Clasico.

There are many versions of FIFA, here are some you might have heard of:

There are also some gold cards on FIFA 16 as well as silvers and bronzes. There was also some winter upgrades. In my opinion FIFA 14 was the best FIFA ever made because you could trade players on the transfer market. The first FIFA ever made was called FIFA 97 and so on.

The first FIFA I ever played was FIFA 13. FIFA generally comes out every year in september. It is a bit different when it comes out. FIFA 13 = Sep 2012, FIFA 14 = Sep 2013, FIFA 15 = Sep 2014, FIFA 16 = Sep 2015. The next FIFA is coming out this year in 2016

Every week there are special cards (Inform

Cards) released in FIFA 16 here is an example :

Here are the some TOTY's in FIFA 16 :

Retitred Footballers are also in FIFA here are all: