For the challenge this week we ask that you and your child begin making a mask/hat/costume of their favourite bug. This is in preparation for the ‘Beautiful Bug Ball’ we will be having on the morning of Monday 23rd July.

Some current Year 1 children have been posting messages on their Year 1 blog this week to tell F2 what it will be like in September. Please follow the link and share with your child the messages that the children have written for them.

If your F1 or F2 child has any questions about September please post them on the Foundation blog and we will answer them in class and on the blog.This will help to support your child’s transition. When talking about the changes please focus on just how much fun they will have learning and trying out new things. Next week F2 will be taking part in their Bikeability sessions, please note, you do not need to provide a bike or a helmet. We will be taking lots of photos and posting them on the blog so that you can see just how much fun theyhave had!

For the learning theme we will be reading the ‘Snail Trail’ by Ruth Brown, looking closely at snails, using video clips and non-fictiontexts and making some bug homes using natural resources as well as many other exciting activities

Snail Trails

Link to The Parkridge Visit Learning Blog