I'll never forget the day

wakeboading is a water sport that you strap your feet onto the board and you get pulled by a speed boat and you hold onto the rope.I'll never forget the day when i first stood up on the wakeboard.In the summer holidays we went to mallorca were my uncle and cousins live, he had a boat to go wakeboarding on.

So on that day it was beautifully sunny and the Mediterranean sea was clear and sparkly. I jumped out the boat with my wakeboad on my feet. As the boat accelerated, i leaned back and got my body out of the water and stood up. I fell over into the water after a short time.

By the end of the holidays i was able to stand up every time without falling over.

I was even able to make turns and small jumps.

I am looking forward to next year when i can do it again and become even better.
