The Great Fire of Greenford

The fire started when Mrs Tigg

set fire to Thomas Farriner's Bakery,which

was put in the centre.The flames were at first,small and subdued,but it just

escalated from there.Soon quite

a few houses were burning or

coated with pieces of charred

cardboard.I was relieved to see that my house had withstanded the flames so far.

By now,most houses were covered

with debris.I was a little disconcerted to

see my model catch fire. Although I was enjoying the fire,I felt a pang of

sadness as my house finally sucummbed

to the flames and collapsed.For me the

flames were enticing but merciless,

destroying everything in it's path.

After a few more minutes,the fire's progress started to slow.Mr Odeesho finished of the fire with a

bucket of water.As the clouds of foam and water engulfed the last flickerinf flames, I thought to myself,

"This is a day I will never forget!"

I felt I could really sympathise with the Londoners.If the model was my real

house I would have been distrought.

By Ana S 5ED