First men on the moon

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men on the moon.Apollo 11 was the space ship they used to fly into space.It was a huge risk as the last spacecraft had an engine fail and blew up!

This new space craft was improved to break up every time the engines were low.It held over one million gallons of fuel,that's bigger than 3 gas stations!

When Apollo 11 was about to land, they got a message from Euston saying they had half a minute of fuel remaining in their tank.Which ment they had to land quickly.With luck they landed with 15 minutes to spare so they began to explore.The first thing they had to do was to pick a full bag of moon rock (a sample of the moon).after that, they went to find a living life form.However, they weren't in luck.On the last minute, they took the American flag and marked there spot to leave.