What are icebergs and how do they form?

An iceberg is a large piece of ice that's

calved off a glacier and floated into the sea.

Where do they go?

Growlers that are less than 2 square km will drift away and will eventually melt over two or three years.

Where in the world do you find them?

Icebergs are commonly found in Antarctica because of its cold temperatures, but you can also find them in Greenland.

Which people study Ice bergs?

Marine biologists study the creatures

and eco systems, oceanographers study

the waves and currents around icebergs

and how they are effect the weather

and climatologists study how climate

change is effecting the creation of ice bergs. Melt ponds help scientists understand sea ice levels.

What animals live there?

An ice berg creates its own eco system: plankton and other microscopic creatures feed fish, which are attracted to the ice berg for shelter, than the fish attract sea birds, penguins and seals which attracts killer whales.

Growler - a small ice berg

Calve - split

Melt pond - a pool of open water

Glacier - a river of ice that moves slowly over land

Ice shelf - platform of ice that forms when a glacier flows onto the ocean

What is the size of the biggest iceberg?

All icebergs have different sizes, the longest recorded iceberg is 295km long it formed by splitting off an ice shelf in Antarctica and the biggest in height is 550 feet tall.