

After half term we will be starting our new topic of ‘Bears’. Our first learning theme will be the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy.

We hope that the children have a lovely, well deserved rest, so that they come back refreshed and ready to begin this exciting new learning theme.

Please continue to practice the key skills outlined on your child’s target sheet and write comments about how your child is getting on. We will be providing new targets with their next steps in learning during the second week of the new half term.

We will be very busy during the first week back; here are just some of the activities: In cooking we will be baking a delicious shortbread wand. In circle time we will be thinking and talking about what we would take for a picnic onthe moon! In addition, we will of course be providing creative opportunitiesfor the children to design and make a rocket. The children will then have time to think about where they could go, if they could choose…

F2 will see in their homework book, information about the Science Project which we hope your child will take part in.This is in preparation for Science week from 11th – 15th March

Reading Together Time for F2 will re-commence on Thursday 28th February.

Dates for the Diary:

Foundation1 Parents Consultations:

Tuesday5th and Wednesday 6th March

Mother’sDay Pamper Session:

Wednesday 27th March

Foundation 1 (Nursery) 10.30am-12.00pm

Foundation 2 (Reception) 2.00pm-3.30pm

Have a lovely half term!