A lot of surprising discoveries were made on day two at Sayers Croft. It turns out it is possible for people under the height of four foot one to eat three helpings of chilli con carne. A brief survey of Burlington teachers revealed male members of staff are one hundred percent more likely to make fools of themselves in the outdoor pool. And it turns out the arrival of a highly cute fluffy dog can stop even ravenous children in their tracks five minutes before lunch.

But one fact remains unchanged - five miles up Pitch Hill is a long way to walk with Year 4. There were fields. Hills. Woods. Horse manure. And although there were some moans, there was also a lot of determination, laughter, and lengthy discussions of Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. We are all really proud of how well they did.

When we came back, there was time for a swim before dinner, and then a pleasant evening playing on the field. A lot of tired children are just settling down for bed ready for a fun day tomorrow.