So this week we talked about currency, we discusssed different currency around the world for instance in Gambia they call it Dalasia and 50 Dalasia would be about 77p in Britian. I was very surprised about the difference to how much everything was worth.

We then got into groups and were given cards which had objects written on them such as shells,

beads,bricks of gold,a cow and diamonds.We then sorted them out into groups of what we would use and what we would use for later and what we wouldn't use.We couldn't use bricks of gold as they would be so heavy to carry around we could use beads and shells as they might be a different value in a diferent place but they could brake easily.So we had to do a bit of thinking..

We played monopoly and talked about different strategies and decided a name for our society which is called PEAKEZANIA! We also decided what our flag should look like.We visited Lavander Hill Magistrates and got to re-enacted a court case,I got to sit next to the chairman and also got to visit the cells where people would be kept before there court case.

I hope you enjoyed reading!