Remember to take photos of your child's homework and email me at s14lparker@cheswick-green.solihull.sch.uk before we break up for half term in February.

Hi Everyone,

Our new topic this half-term is Bright Lights, Big City. Here are the homework activities for you for this half term. Please choose at least 3 out of the 7 topic activities to complete. There are also English and Maths tasks which will support your child with their school work and learning. Please continue to read daily with your child and help them learn their ORT words and spellings. We will be working on Phase 3, 4 and 5 phonics depending on your child's level.



  1. Build a real or fantasy city using Lego, blocks or 3D junk materials. Play with your city using figures and vehicles.
  2. Create a 2D city shape picture. Can you label the shape names? What are the properties of the shapes in your picture?
  3. Spot and talk about different types of vehicles while you are out and about with your family. Make a scrapbook of the vehicles you saw.
  4. Choose a city in the UK and make a poster to include pictures, labels and captions.
  5. Our Science topic this half term is Weather. Keep a weather diary for a week. Record the day, date and month. Record the rainfall, wind speed and temperature. Design a weather symbol to show the weather each day in your diary.
  6. Find out about Chinese New Year. What date is it in 2021? According to the Chinese zodiac, which animal is it the year of? How do people celebrate the New Year? Make a Chinese dragon or write the story about how the years got their names.
  7. Make some bread rolls. Write the instructions.