

My Grandma was too young to be evacuated so she had to stay in Bristol which was bombed lots.  She had a bomb at the bottom of her garden which had to be left until the end of the war.  She couldn’t play at the bottom of her garden in case it went off. All the young men were at war so they couldn’t deactivate the bomb.  Once she woke up and her local shop had been destroyed.  Luckily her brothers were evacuated to relatives but it still was ultra scary.  Her Dad was an A.R.P. warden and made sure people observed the blackout. The Nazis bombed Bristol because of the train line.  Another time Grandma and her friend were walking home from school when an air raid siren went off, they were in the middle of the walk so didn’t know where to go; home or school.  In the end the all clear siren went off and they started laughing.