In my story I come back from school . my family and me went to the park then my dress got

MUDY  so I changed in the car then I went on the slide which was metal and when I touched

it I SHRUNK . It was time to go home and when I got into the car I went back to normal

I figured out that when I touch metal I shrink. Oh! by the way my name is Amy anyways I saw a metal toy, and I know I am not supposed to touch metal but I touched anyway

So I shrunk I touched every thing I could and when I touched wood I got back to normal and it was just 


in time for dinner .My mum usually cooks quicker as a cheetah but not today anyways I wish that I

never shrink so I am going to find a way .The next day I wanted to see what will happen when I

touch metal AND wood together so I did and I ended up in candy land . The sun was made out of

BBC 500 word challenge

yellow lolly and the clouds were made out of candy floss. I saw a shop with medicine that stops you shrinking when you touch metal. But I was too late and I appeared at home. Then I took a rest because it was already bed time. The next day I went back to candy land and went to the shop to buy that particular medicine to help me to get back to my normal size. But the shopkeeper was asking for the password, so I went back home and I tried to figure out the password. I was thinking the "candy land" was the password, the next day I used candy land as my password and angrily the shop keeper said yes because that was the last pack of medicine he had. Then I quickly grabbed the medicine and ran back home. According to the instructions I had to mix it with water and I drank it. And it worked!!! Then I had my best life ever.

The End.