Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Matisse Class Chick Diary

Day 1 -  Tuesday 16th June

Today the eggs came! We were sitting down eating our lunch in the hall when the egg van arrived. We knew it was the right van because it had a picture of a chick on the side!

When we came back to class after lunch the eggs were here in their incubator. An incubator is a kind of box with water to keep the chicks warm.

We talked about some rules for keeping the eggs safe. We made lots of beautiful posters to remind us of the rules and we put them up next to the incubator.

We also had lots of fun guessing when the chicks will be born.

‘We’re gonna cluck.’ Faith L

‘Yeah Like a mother hen!’ Moriah

We are enjoying the eggs but we are even more excited for

when the hatch!

What an egg-cellent day!

Matisse Class Xx

‘We love the eggs!’ David