Facts About Space!!!!!!

When you look at the night sky, you can see shining stars, far away in space.

You might be able to spot the moon too.

Everything you can see is only a tiny part of space.

The moon looks small, but it would take about four days to drive around it.

Our planet earth is a lump of rock in space. It is one of a group of nine planets

Each planet goes around the sun on its own invisible path.

The sun and the planets are called the Solar System.

Here are the names of the planets:


Experts used to think that PLUTO was a planet, but now they have changed their minds and call it a dwarf planet.

Most of the planets look about the same size here, but some are really much, much bigger than others.

SATURN is so far away from earth that it took seven years for a spacecraft to reach it.

The four planets closest to the sun are MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH, and MARS.

They are all rocky planets, but Earth is the only one that plants and animals live on.

A few years ago a spacecraft was sent to MARS.

The spacecraft opened up and a robot car drove out.

The car was about the size of a skateboard. Scientists on EARTH used the computers to make it move and take photos.

MERCURY is so close to the sun the land is hotter than boiling water.

JUPITER, SATURN, and NEPTUNE are far away from the sun.

They are very cold places.

JUPITER is the largest planet in the Solar System.