Cyber pass is an excellent website to use because it helps keep you safe online and to help keep your personal details away from exploiters and hackers.

Top tips on making a strong username

When you're making an account username, you have to make it

in a way that people don't understand who you are, like for example- when your username is like this: Tommy- From- Gifford -primary- 6HE5 -Y7J , that username tells everyone who Tommy is, and what school he's in, and his address! This will tell everyone were he lives, his name and the school he goes to, and it could be sent all over the internet and forwarded to people on all social media sites, video producers like Youtube, and Facebook

Tommy would think it would go away if he got rid of it, but anything you put on the internet will stay there forever.So for the rest of his life, Tommy might have to endure lots of suffering, and people might play around with his details even after Tommy is at an old age! This is why Cyber pass is here- it tries to teach young people how to behave on the internet and to be wary of things that are posted online will be there permanently. Cyber pass is a great website and I hope loads of other interested people might enjoy it as much as I did.

The next thing I should be informing you about is a good password. If you have a good password, people will not be able to steal valuable information. There are a variety of websites that test your password, many of which tell you if its strong or weak.

Cyber Pass Blog

This is all the advice I can give. Thank you so much for reading and I will see you the next blog. Goodbye!!