Year 3 Summer Term 2

Hello Year 3!

I have enjoyed reading your poems this week. Keep sending them in for me to read, you have done a wonderful job. I just LOVE poetry! How did you get on with the Sports activities last week? Did anyone win a certificate? We only have 3 weeks left now - let's make them good ones! From Miss Payne x


Please complete the 'Book Review' in the booklet provided in the pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG. You will have to read a book first! Or if you have just finished a really good book then do that one.

Spelling - Year 3 word list revision, ready for the end of Year 3

regular, sure, explore, difficult, approve, opposite, century, library, immediately, prove

Please complete another section in your grammar book - there is an additional grammar page to do in the pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG. This week is prepositional phrases. Click on the books to watch some videos about prepositions. The video will explain what a preposition is.

READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ ..... fill your head with WORDS!!


Check out the new homework on mymaths.co.uk

The answers for the Revision from last week are in the pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG

The children should now have received their 'Rising Stars Pupil Book' from school. In here we have completed up to Unit 7B. The children are now free to work in this book at their own pace and will continue to cover everything else covered in the Year 3 curriculum. They can try a unit a day ie Unit 7C, 8A, 8B ... If they get stuck on a particular concept just spend an extra day working through what they can. This will be covered again at the beginning of Year 4. If they zoom ahead and finish in the next 3 weeks that's great - they can go back and work on any questions they have missed or need to review.

Topic - BUILD a RIVER!

Use recycled materials and foil

to build your own river.

What natural materials from

your garden can you use?

Make some ice cube boats to

float down your river!


Try some of the challenges on the BLOG from Mrs Brook. You might win a certificate!

JIGSAW - Changing ME!

We need to start thinking about the 'End of Year 3' now. This has been a strange year but we have still learnt loads! I want you to think about Year 3 and what your favourite part was this year. Think about playtimes, PE lessons, assemblies, stories, topics, lessons, Christmas, our trip to the forest, our trip to Cadbury World, discos, friends or anything else that you really enjoyed. Fill in the sheet to reflect back on Year 3 and what you have done. There is a sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG to help with this.