Last Friday me and my class went to Hampton court palace,it was brilliant!

The first thing we did when we got there was we went to the kitchens and we saw how they cooked things, like chicken. What they would do was put the chicken on a spit and get the spit boy to sit infront of a fire and turn the spit for ages so that the chicken would get cooked on both sides.the second thing we did was listen to adioguids, it gave me and other people what the Tudors did . Then after doing that we went to have lunch on a sunny part of a area of grass.

After lunch we went to the maze, luckily my group didn't get stuck,my group was also one of the first groups to finish the maze.after the maze we went to look at young Henry it was interesting because they had lots. Of facts about Henry.

So after all that we got back on the coach and went home.