Miss Evans' Lockdown

Hi Kingfisher class! I have decided to start our blog by sharing with you some of what I have been up to since school closed. You can add your own work or photos to the blog by selecting publish in your J2E document.

I have still been going to school to look after the children who have key worker parents. We have done lots of craft activities alongside our Maths and English lessons. You may already know that we looked after Reception's chicks and we also watched as caterpillars transformed into butterflies. Do you remember holding the chicks when you were in Reception?

At home, I have been looking after myself by cooking delicious, healthy food and exercising daily. I even bumped into a friend while I was on a run! We had to stay on opposite pavements while we had a quick chat. I also baked some less healthy treats like these cookies!

Instead of seeing my friends, I have been reading, painting and doing jigsaws. Here is a map of London jigsaw I completed! I have been reading a lot and I recently started to read the Harry Potter series of books from the beginning again. I hope I can share some of my art with you on here soon.

I have been talking to my friends and family lots. I taught my mum how to use FaceTime and have even attended birthday parties through my computer! My birthday is this week (on Friday) and I am planning something online to celebrate!

I am missing you all lots and can't wait to be back in school with you!