I will put in my chest

                                             By Owen Keenan

 I will put in my chest,

A blade of hair from a colossal yeti,

The eye of a sinister cyclopes,

And the claw of an ice dragon.

I will put in my chest,

The molten lava of an erupted volcano,

A drop of water from Niagara Falls,

And the tooth of a panda cub.

I will put in my chest,

The chorus of laughter from a school class,

A joke told by a father,

And the naughtiness of the class prankster.

 I will put in my chest,

An eight day and a turquoise sun,

A police officer tending to a patient,

And a nurse chasing a criminal.

My chest is fashioned from,

Ice, emerald and Diamond,

With planets on the lid and wishes in the corners,

And it’s hinges are the knees dinosaurs

I shall ski in my chest,

On the Canadian plains,

Then fall asleep drinking hot chocolate,

With all daylight fading away.