After Hermie, her friends and her family got back to their home in Scotland, it was perfect but not for long! There was only one mischievous unicorn who was Hermie's arch enemy, and that was Madame Radish. Ever since Hermie beat Madame Radish ten times in sports day at their primary school R.A (rainbow academy) she has wanted to get REVENGE on Hermie and this was her one chance to. Roger and Donna (Hermie's owners) were in the barn settling all the animals to bed, Madame Radish pretended to be Hermie as they looked exactly like twins!

Little did she know all the other animals ( Hermie's friends ) knew

that there was something suspicious about Hermie. She wore

a mask and the real Hermie never in her life had worn one. They

had to warn Hermie but...where was she? It took hours and hours

looking for her. Unfortunately they had no luck in finding her and now there was only one way to

find her.

They rapidly woke up Madame Radish which made her extremely vexed. Just then as Madame Radish's face went red they knew they were in danger!

What was going to happen? Was this the end? They had to fight back,

but first they had to find Hermie.

After around 8 hours, they found her in the middle of Oakland Forest! After they arrived back in the barn.

Madame Radish was nowhere to be found, she must have run away to not get into trouble for

assaulting Hermie. Why on earth would Madame Radish want to hurt such innocent animals and their owners?

Eventually, they found heinous Madame Radish in a magical secret door which

was hidden at the back of the garden! Hermie and her friends open the door and

found ... Madame Radish and their owners tied up with duck tape on their

mouths. This was flabbergasting! Even more surprising Madame Radish had vanished

into thin air! Why did this always have to happen?

It wasn't that hard to find her she apparently only went to the other end of the garden. Madame Radish finally gave up and admitted to her acts and crept back into the barn. Hermie snuck into her

owner's home and stole Donna's phone to call the POLICE. In just five minutes I.A.P.A ( Illegal Animal

Police Academy ) came to arrest Madame Radish.

Peace at last or for now!