Killer wolf strikes out

Killer wolf strikes out

Killer wolf strikes out


Killer wolf strikes out

A 42 year old wolf kills two pigs at dawn in their homes.

A 42 year old wolf was baking a cake.His favourite grany said that "I asked him to bake one of his lots of suger cakes and he is in all this mess because of me."

Later that evening,the wolf clamed that


sneazed straw and wood homesdown and and said that he only ate them because it was a pity to let good bacon go to waste.A guy called basug said that "He ate them toget rid of the evedence."At dawn.

The wolf is curently being hunted down by the police.The wolf says"The pig some thing insulting words that made me go crazy."the wolf has been found and is now going to court.The wolf failed his trial now he is going to jail and he will get suger.

The wolf hiding from the police.