My birth month is 6 ÷ 2

The number of people in my family is 100 ÷ 25

My height is 50cm+50cm+24cm

The number of pets I own is 3.1415927 x 0

My age is 100-92

The number of letters in my name is 49 ÷ 7

The number of times I have been to Italy is 9 x 9 + 8

The bus route number I take to come to school is 5 + 5 + 100 + 100

The number of seconds I can hold my breath under water is 10 + 10 + 2 x 10

The number of children in my class is 3 x ( 8 + 2 )

Figure out who I am??

Scroll down please!

By Lorenzo Mulhare.