
Week 6

Profit and Loss

At first, we discussed what profit and loss meant; the meaning of profit is when someone or a company make more currency than what they already had, loss is the antonym of that, it is when someone or a company lose currency leaving them with less than what they started with.

In my opinion, my job with Patrick was going towards losing money, but Patrick and I are now making more money with our newly made 'successful' business, FUN TIME!!

We thought about what this meant for our companies. We decided a profit is better because you will have more money at the end. It was very unexpecting but many businesses had more customers than usual. I don't know about other companies but mine gained a shocking amount of Scorpios just after we created our new business.

After, we watched a clip about the general election and what happened. It was very interesting for me but the only problem is that I cannot vote; I am too young. We discovered that many people vote but not all do. People that are under 18 and people that do not have a British passport (in our event) can't vote. This is because they might not understand the entire concept of what is going on. I would vote for the Labour party because I do sort of agree with their laws. Tell me what you wold vote for below please and why.

Soon we had time to do a simulation so that is what we did. I earned 56 Scorpios from Akilaesh, since I helped check the receipts. Micro-Society has been an amazing experience and with the new information my uncle, who is a solicitor,gave me I might be hired to do some more jobs for the government.