St.Pauls and all Hallows Academy Trust is a unisexual school that is sectioned into two parts, the Infants and Juniors.The school is run by the head teacher,Sharon Easton and the two deputy heads,Jules Belton and Sue Maduenyi.There are 15 different classes in the entire school.

There are a group of remarkable children,the school council,who help develop the quality of the school,there are 24 members of school council,16 members from the Juniors and 8 members from the Infants.They meet regularly on a Tuesday with a lady called Amber,who is exceptionally gifted with children.

St.Pauls is a school of quality and that is why you should send your child/children to St.Pauls and All Hallows Academy Trust.So do not wait a minute more, send your child today.