in that day, we looked at civil servant jobs in the United Kingdom like a Head Of State( Technically a person in charge of their society), Police/Armed Forces to defend the state, a tax collector, who is the person who collects your tax and I think gives to The HOS (Head of state) and potentially a judge?

Ok, Storytime! Oh, a quick note, if you haven't read my other two blogs then please read those first, it'll make you understand the story i'm about to read.

In the world of NOTENUF their citizens have fortunately found a way to get their wants and needs. Two families started trading food and seed for seed and food.

F1: Hey i'll give you 20 packets of seeds for a banana trifle and 10 chocolate cakes!

F2: Deal.

Families swap items.

Did you read that, because it is very helpful and a great roleplay, maybe better than Matilda! Anyways, moving on.......