Last Wednesday 1st March 2017

was incredible.Everyone was so kind we made Popcorn and also the nightwalk was pretty in day but not in night I was so scared and also we got told a scary story right before we left to go for the night walk ,while you are walking you'll go through the bomb shelter is was cool but in my opinion

Gordan Brown Centre

.Sapphire and Blue class went on a trip for 2 nights and 3 days it

It was very creepy .

Also after you finish the nightwalk after you get hotchocalate is was delicous

And there is the Disco witch about 80% of the kids plus the adult liked the Disco so why don't you come on down to the Gordan Brown Outdoor Education Centre . And we do clay modeling ,Mega bol in the mega bol we do throwing boots,tug of war .When it is breakfass we have toast or ceral .

Made by Kidiana Blue class

I personally think it was fun ,adventures,spontalesly weird .

Have you ever been so so so so faraway from home before ?

Fact alert if you think you won't get messy in thev Gordan Brown well ... you were so wrong you

get so muddy in fact you might not even have any spare clothes to wear .